Leaders inspire those who work WITH and FOR them to strive to create excellence within their organizations. Leaders empower those with whom they interact to operate at their highest potential, thereby developing a strong organization. The most effective leaders know how to use this personal power called charisma.
Charisma is that quality which draws people to you. Charismatic people are self-confident. They have a personal style which persuades others - a sense of being in control of their destinies.
CHARISMA - DEVELOPING YOUR LEADERSHIP ABILITIES addresses the qualities of a leader...loyalty, integrity, creating a vision, and maintaining a high level of energy that focuses on goals which foster and support that vision. This seminar explores how to develop these qualities in program participants and how to encourage these traits in the individuals with whom they interact.
Motivation comes from within. Highly motivated individuals foster their desire to achieve excellence by improving their skills. This continuous focus on professional growth generates the tangible results of productive, successful behavior.
This program will benefit anyone who wants to experience, more fully and consistently, PERSONAL POWER - the ability to accomplish goals through others.
This program will benefit anyone who wants to experience, more fully and consistently, PERSONAL POWER - the ability to accomplish goals through others.
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