The purpose of this program is to develop the participants' understanding of the negotiating process and to teach specific skills to improve their ability to successfully complete win-win negotiations.
Effective negotiating is a method of unifying two people's ideas. Confident, well-trained negotiators realize that this ongoing process begins with the initial contact and continues throughout the duration of the relationship. Using appropriate negotiating techniques will allow you to maximize your potential in many situations, both professional and personal.
There is a major difference between communicating and manipulating. CREATING WIN-WIN SITUATIONS THROUGH EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION addresses that critical difference and teaches participants how to communicate in a manner which develops their counterpart's trust and confidence in the negotiator's integrity and competence. This skill is particularly critical in high-tension situations such as negotiations. Emphasizes and shows how to successfully complete win-win negotiations; describes and shows how to avoid lose-lose encounters.
Program teaches how to:
Create credibility, trust and rapport,
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