The problems of implementing change are often more human than technical. Both individuals and organizations experience predictable responses to a request for the changes necessary to effect higher quality and maintain a business’s profitability. Management's ability to anticipate areas of resistance and to ensure employees' commitment is crucial to the success of any change project.

When faced with the enormous task of effecting a sweeping change, the proactive approach is to identify its impact on managers, staff, and rank-and-file employees. The next step is to develop a program to teach these individuals the skills necessary to effectively work through the disruption and problems occurring during the changeover.

MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF CHANGE is a seminar which can help organizations do this in specific, time-tested ways.

The organization's goal must be to implement necessary changes both on time and within budget. This program works because it dynamically and effectively identifies ways to recognize and resolve or mitigate the misgivings and resistance employees at all levels experience when major change is set in motion.


MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF CHANGE makes precise methods of identification available to participants and teaches them:


MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF CHANGE is a hands-on program. Seminar attendees are asked to bring a change project to the program. They are encouraged to apply these change management principles directly to their projects.

In addition to presenting MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF CHANGE program to your organization, Nancy Hightshoe is available to consult with you on specific change projects.

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