Early in the 1990's, trend analyzers predicted a significant shift in the way organizations and individuals perceive their priorities. One of the profound changes they foresaw was the increasingly dominant role relationships would assume in both professional and personal life.
Popular belief clings to the notion that money and the "corner office" are the great motivators. However, many people are no longer willing to let relationships take a back seat to career success. They want both, and they are discovering that effective relationships are the cornerstone of professional achievement.
Trend forecasters confirm that people perform at a higher level when they have effective relationships within the organization. In addition, it has become a business imperative that individuals at all levels receive respect and acknowledgment for their accomplishments. Winning coaches and great military leaders have always motivated from this position.
In today's competitive markets, relationships with customers are more important than ever before. They are based on credibility. Businesses which are perceived as offering a high-caliber product and whose employees demonstrate high integrity and a commitment to service establish powerful client loyalty. These organizations' reward is reflected in higher morale and in an increased bottom line.
The WIND BENEATH YOUR WINGS seminar teaches participants how to develop more powerful professional and personal relationships.
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